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Writing is delivered through an enjoyable and engaging curriculum where the bulk of our writing takes inspiration from the high quality books that we study. Writing is planned sequentially throughout key stages and years to ensure that text types, challenge and expectations continue to build throughout the school. The text types explored such as balanced arguments, formal letters and news reports promote critical thinking and the analysis of factual information. The tier three vocabulary taught through poetry and narratives develops high aspirations for our students. By developing our learner's writing, especially their written grammar, we equip our children with the vocabulary, communication skills and cultural capital to achieve social mobility and economic independence in adulthood.


In order to write well, children must master the secretarial skills of spelling, punctuating their writing, and scribing clearly enough to make the reading pleasurable.  But these skills in themselves do not a good writer make.  Children must learn the key features of each genre, the language associated and, quite simply, have ideas to write about.  They need to be able to distinguish between a formal and informal voice, and to know when the use of either is appropriate.  They must have a broad personal lexicon to enable them to create imagery with words, or to persuade, or to report.  They must develop editing skills, and be able to identify where their own work could be improved.

Avid readers are usually strong writers, as they have internalised many of the necessary requirements of good writing.  At St Teresa’s, we use CLPE's 'The Power of Reading'  to choose quality texts and use immersive strategies to encourage total engagement in a text.  Secretarial skills are taught discretely, and writing is made as meaningful as possible.   Cross curricular opportunities for writing are utilised, giving the children opportunities to write across genres.