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Our School Curriculum Intent Statement Vision

We seek to develop children as self-reflective, independent learners. We encourage children to develop as confident individuals and recognise the wide range of skills and talents that our children possess.

We designed our St Teresa’s Learning Wheels to drive learning in EYFS and KS1 & KS2.

We believe that children should be challenged as well as supported in order to achieve their maximum potential across all areas of the curriculum. Our engaging curriculum, which incorporates creative and inspiring contexts for learning, will both support and prepare our children fully for life in modern Britain. We will encourage healthy lifestyles and promote a love of sport and exercise across the school ensuring children are both physically and mentally prepared for any challenges that may lie ahead.


At St Teresa’s Primary School, we believe that learning should be exciting, purposeful and challenging. We learn through Gospel values. Our school aims to inspire and prepare every child to have high expectations of themselves and others. We will achieve this through providing a creative and challenging curriculum which motivates and encourages all children to reach their potential through classroom learning, sports and field trips. We will prepare our children to encounter opportunities with resilience, perseverance and self-determination and encourage them to grow and become responsible independent learners by being confident, proactive and motivated.

We use our Learning Behaviours (designed by pupils) to promote strong learning behaviours.

We work closely with the children, their families and the local Parish community, fostering positive supportive relationships to benefit all pupils of the school. We are determined for all our pupils to achieve and believe that our emphasis on high quality teaching is a key feature of our success.

Curriculum Drivers:

  • To aim for each child to achieve their full potential in all areas of the curriculum, so that they are equipped and prepared for their secondary transition.
  • To provide a curriculum that is designed to excite and motivate children with a range of topics and projects that are of interest to them and to which they can fully contribute so that their learning is engaging, interactive and challenging.
  • To create a positive, inviting, safe learning environment and to endeavour to develop the whole child, meeting individual needs where differences are recognised, celebrated and appreciated.
  • To encourage pupils to be responsible British citizens for the future who can actively contribute to a diverse society.
  • To support each child’s emotional well-being so that they can talk openly about their feelings with confidence.
  • To equip children to evaluate and assess, to take risks and to make positive choices as part of their learning.
  • To promote lifelong learning to all, through high quality professional development for all staff and by developing a learning culture throughout the school.  
  • To include all members of the school community, pupils, parents, governors, trustees, Parish and staff, in the process of development not only of themselves but also of the school itself.

In line with the 2014 National Curriculum expectations, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes pupils’ spiritual, cultural, mental and physical development and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Children’s learning from our delivery of The National Curriculum develops the essential knowledge that they will need to be educated citizens